About us

The brand Nature Force® and the Nature Force® original alternative medicine therapeutic program were created by the esteemed Prof. Dr. (M.A.) Natalija Timotić, M.D., Ph.D. (H.C.), F.R.C.P.. A specialist of alternative, complementary and traditional medicine, lecturer, counsellor and a mental coach with over 40 years of practical experience, she has devoted her life to travelling the world and studying the medical knowledge of ancient civilizations, expertly combining its various elements in her own practice.

She received her specialization at the Open International University for Complementary Medicine in Colombo, where she learned from recognized experts, developing her natural abilities to their full potential, and gaining a vast knowledge of various CAM disciplines.

Prof. Dr. Timotić has been awarded several international prizes and recognitions for her achievements:

  • 1992 Fellowship award for professional excellence, awarded by the Academie Diplomatique de la Paix.
  • 1992 The Life membership at Medicina Alternativa Institute, awarded by the Medicina Alternativa Institute at The Open International University for Complementary Medicine in Alma Ata.
  • 1995 The Degree of Doctor of Science with honors (Honoris Causa), awarded by the Faculty of Medical Studies, Medicina Alternativa Institute at the Open International University for Complementary Medicine.
  • 2001 The Fellowship Register of Royal Complementary Practitioners (F.R.C.P.), awarded by the Faculty of Medical Studies, Medicina Alternativa Institute at the Open International University for Complementary Medicine.

In 1995 Prof. Dr. Timotić founded the Adonis Academy for Healthy Living, with the aim of transferring her knowledge to other people, and helping them resolve various life and health issues. The original and extraordinarily efficient Nature Force® Program is the crown jewel of her decades of practical work; it is 100% natural and applicable to all spheres of life.

Nature Force Shop offers a variety of unique products and services that all have the same purpose: to help you live a balanced life, solve and relieve your health and life issues, and rejuvenate your mind, body and soul in a natural way.

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